Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piet Mondrian Avond Evening Red Tree painting

Piet Mondrian Avond Evening Red Tree paintingTalantbek Chekirov Tender Passion paintingTalantbek Chekirov Missing You painting
Get thee hence, Dean o' Flunks!"the voice bid from the loudspeakers."Let this man be matriculated!"
Not impossibly he referred to Harvey or some other athlete caught outside as I was caught in; I didn't look back, but seized the chance to demand imperiously of the Gatekeepers (so labeled by their armbands), "Take me to the Chancellor!"
At once they fell to disputing whether I should be fetched off to Main Detention as a gate-crasher or ushered into the Assembly Room as a matriculated student. It was agreed I could not be permitted to stand there indecently exposed, but the crowd beyond the gate grew so uproarious, especially when I turned to retrieve my watch (whose neck-chain too had caught on the Turnstile and been snapped), that the gatekeepers abandoned self-control and scuffled with each other. I saw fit to wave through Main Gate to the crowd as I undid my watch-chain, and they responded enthusiastically, whistling and sailing laurel-wreaths over the gate. Miss University stood openmouthed; when I blew her a kiss, she hid her eyes. My wrapper and amulet I regretfully abandoned as too enmeshed to salvage -- indeed, they had so jammed the Turnstile that Trials were ended and both side-gates flu

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