Sunday, August 24, 2008

Henri Matisse Goldfish painting

Henri Matisse Goldfish paintingHenri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 paintingCassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in Need painting
pointed, and for all my indignation could not repress one twitch of a smile, which I saw the wretch instantly notice. Then on he went, hilarious and full of force, thumping my chest for emphasis, mussing Anastasia's hair, gesticulating with pistol and helmet, striking postures in the glare of the motorcycle headlamps, and flashing always that flush-cheeked, even-toothed grin:
"Look what you've got round your waist!" He snatched at the amulet Max had given me. "Is this what I think it is, old buck old buster? Look here, Stacey -- I swear it's mountain oysters on his belt. It is! Billygoat bobblers! Are they his own, d'you think? You find out, I'll ask you tomorrow. . . Hey, here's what we'll do(George, was it?): we'll tap a keg of bock-beer and you toot your pipes -- you're the Grand Tutor! You toot your pipes while Maxie and I toot a few on the EAT-whistle, for old times' sake. Stacey'll do a dance with Croaker. Youdo have pipes, don't you, George?"

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