Monday, June 2, 2008

Thomas Cole paintings

Thomas Cole paintings
Theodore Robinson paintings
Titian paintings
Theodore Chasseriau paintings
Mr. and Mrs. Welland had been as much surprised as their daughter by the young man's sudden arrival; but it had occurred to him to explain that he had felt himself on the verge of a nasty cold, and this seemed to
-142-Mr. Welland an all-sufficient reason for abandoning any duty.
``You can't be too careful, especially toward spring,'' he said, heaping his plate with straw-coloured griddle-cakes and drowning them in golden syrup. ``If I'd only been as prudent at your age May would have been dancing at the Assemblies now, instead of spending her winters in a wilderness with an old invalid.''
``Oh, but I love it here, Papa; you know I do. If only Newland could stay I should like it a thousand times better than New York.''
``Newland must stay till he has quite thrown off his cold,'' said Mrs. Welland indulgently; and the young man laughed, and said he supposed there was such a thing as one's profession.

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