Thursday, April 2, 2009

George Bellows Dempsey and Firpo

George Bellows Dempsey and FirpoCaravaggio The Sacrifice of IsaacCaravaggio The Musicians
,’ said Windle, unhappily.’It rather looks that way.’ He stepped out into the city, aware of the scraping and thumping of the door behind him.
If someone had told me a month ago, he thought, that a few days after I died I’d be walking along the road followed by a bashful bogeyman hiding behind a door . . . why, I’d have laughed at them. No, I wouldn’t. I’dThe dog nodded.
‘Can you talk?’
The dog shook its head.
‘So what do you do now?’
Lupine shrugged.
‘Want to come with me?’ have said ‘eh?’ and ‘what?’ and ‘speak up!’ and wouldn’t have understood anyway.Beside him, someone barked.A dog was watching him. It was a very large dog. In fact, the only reason it could be called a dog and not a wolf was that everyone knew you didn’t get wolves in cities.It winked. Windle thought: no full moon last night.‘Lupine?’ he ventured.

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