Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pino Soft Light

Pino Soft LightPino Long DayPino DesirePablo Picasso Weeping Woman with Handkerchief
'So we ought to leave them and find our horses and move on,' said Rincewind.
'That's a bit of a mean trick, isn't it?'
'They'll be all right,' said Rincewind heartily. 'The point is, would you feel happy in the company of someone who would attack the Luggage with his bare hands?'
'That Twoflower thought. 'Couldn't somebody tell Great A'Tuin to avoid it?' he said. 'Sort of go around it?'
'That sort of thing has been tried before,' said Rincewind. Wizards tried to tune in to Great A'Tuin's mind.'
'It didn't work?'
'Oh, it worked all right,' said Rincewind. 'Only . . .'
Only there had been certain unforeseen risks in reading a mind as great as the World Turtle's, he explained. The wizards had trained up on tortoises and giant sea turtles first, to get the hang is a point,' said Twoflower.'They'll probably be better off without us anyway.''Are you sure?''said Rincewind. They found the horses wandering aimlessly in the scrub, breakfasted on badly-dried horse jerky, and set off in what Rincewind believed was the right direction. A few minutes later the Luggage emerged from the bushes and followed them.The sun rose higher in the sky, but still failed to blot out the light of the star.'It's got bigger overnight,' said Twoflower. 'Why isn't anybody doing something?''Such as what?'

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